Instant Station Departures

Live MBTA locates your nearest MBTA station instantly, and displays that station's real-time estimated departures.

For upcoming trains, it shows the following information:

Destination station, number of cars, minutes until departure, and route color.

Tap this icon to select other stations nearby.

Selecting Other Stations

If you want to see departures at other stations, you can quickly select a station by distance from you, or from an alphabetical list.

You can use this feature to plan any potential transfers at other stations and make sure you have enough time to transfer.

Meet the Trip Planner

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What Happy Users Are Saying

Laura T
I really like using this app because it provides me with real-time information about the trains!
Sheila M
I am a person that likes to plan things ahead of time and Live MBTA definitely is a tool that keeps me in the know of the trains’ activity.
Tom R
I like that this app is easy to use and very convenient for morning commute planning!

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